Sunday, July 9, 2017

You are appreciated, loved and cared about!

There are many people who minister to others everyday because of what Jesus
did in their lives. It is not a "got to", it is a "get to". It is who they
are and what they were made to do. The Apostle Paul wrote in *1 Thes 5:12
Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to appreciate those who diligently
work among you [recognize, acknowledge, and respect your leaders], who are
in charge over you in the Lord and who give you instruction, 13 and [we ask
that you appreciate them and] hold them in the highest esteem in love
because of their work [on your behalf]...*. Many times we look at these
people and listen to their words, read their post, experience the love and
grace they share, and just leave it at that. One of the challenges in life
for a spiritual leader is that everyone believes that all is great in their
world, no trouble, no problems, all is just dandy. Some of the people that
have the greatest impact, are the ones that have gone through some of the
greatest trials, that only God knows about. Brethren, may each of us make a
conscious effort to encourage those that invest in us, to let them know in
some way that they are appreciated, loved and cared about. Even the people
that seem spiritually strong, want to be asked if they are okay. It is
always good remind the shepherds, that Jesus loves them and you love them


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