Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hebrews 12- Have you entertained angels?

Hebrews 13
Berean Study Bible
Brotherly Love
1Continue in brotherly love. 2Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

Have you entertained angels?

God uses angels for His purposes and he also uses us. This reminds me of a story of a lost bible. But was it really lost? Jack had misplaced his bible and couldn't find it, he looked everywhere. Months later a woman approached Jack in the church parking lot and asked him if he was Jack and returned his bible. It seems she found it alongside the road, in a rainstorm. She had opened the bible and saw Jacks hand written notes on the Romans Road to Salvation, read it and was saved. She started attending church and then her children were saved. It didn't stop there, more of family was saved! It seems the bible was left on the roof of Jacks car and fell off on a curve in the road. The rain or the road didn't damage it.
God used Jacks bible to rescue and save a family.
God uses strangers to rescue us.

Have you been rescued by a stranger?

Blessings, David

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