Saturday, December 30, 2023

Judges 17:6 In Their Own Eyes!👀

 ”In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.“ ‭‭Judges‬ ‭17‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

a. There was no king in Israel: There was, in fact, a king in Israel - Israel should have recognized the LORD God as their King. But since Israel rejected God as King, they were without any good and effective leadership.

b. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes: This refers to the radical individualism that marked the time of the Judges. People looked to self for their guide to morality and ethics. The people genuinely felt that they did what was right, but they measured it only by their own eyes.

i. This is very much like the modern, “follow-your-heart” or “let-your-heart-be-your-guide” thinking. Modern culture regards this as the ideal state of society. Yet the Bible and common sense tell us that this kind of moral, spiritual, and social anarchy brings nothing but destruction.

· It seemed right to the eyes of Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, but God said it was wrong.

· It seemed right to the eyes of the sons of Jacob to sell Joseph into slavery, but God said it was wrong.

· It seemed right to the eyes of Nadab and Abihu to offer strange fire before the Lord, but God said it was wrong.

· It seemed right to the eyes of King David to commit adultery with Bathsheba and cover it with murder, but God said it was wrong.

· It seemed right to the eyes of Judas to betray Jesus, but God said it was wrong.

ii. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12). When man follows his own instincts – apart from the redeemed nature of the converted person – it leads to ruin. We need to follow God’s way, not our own. (Guzik)

In Their Own Eyes!👀 

I’ve been guilty of the very thing written in today’s verse. I knew there was a God but I didn’t allow Him to be my King. Instead my king was me, myself and I! If it wasn’t for Jesus and His gift of grace I’d be destined to hell’s eternal fire 🔥! 

I believe the Lord gives us our golden years so we can reflect back on our life and our paths that we’ve taken, not so we can say what if, but to show us His grace, His hand prints on our lives and how He has prepared us for NOW. You have a life story, a moment in time that you accepted His grace!

Examine the examples above of sin! Study David’s repentance, forgiveness and grace! The Lord still used him!

Ask yourself this question, what does Jesus want me to do for His kingdom?


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