Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Judges 15:4-5 Juvenile Delinquent!

 4Then Samson went out and caught three hundred foxes. And he took torches, turned the foxes tail-to-tail, and fastened a torch between each pair of tails. 5Then he lit the torches and released the foxes into the standing grain of the Philistines, burning up the piles of grain and the standing grain, as well as the vineyards and olive groves.

“Samson seemed to act like a juvenile delinquent. Yet God used it all for His purpose of fighting against the Philistines.”

“Some object that Samson could not have captured 300 foxes. Yet the word translated foxesprobably refers to a jackal, not a fox, and jackals are known to run in large packs, sometimes up to 200. Second, there is nothing that says Samson did this all by himself. Third, there is nothing that says he did it all in one day.” (Guzik)

Juvenile Delinquent 

Years ago I was a juvenile delinquent, throwing snowballs at passing cars, eggs at houses, setting off fireworks in the dead of the night, driving a car without a license and too many things I’m ashamed to mention! But I didn’t burn up someone’s crops and I definitely wasn’t used by God during this time!

I’m very thankful for the grace and salvation that only Jesus Christ can give or I’d be destined to hell!

Were you a juvenile delinquent or a saint while growing up?


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