Thursday, December 7, 2023

Judges 15:6-7 Retaliation Belongs to God

 6“Who did this?” the Philistines demanded.

“It was Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite,” they were told. “For his wife was given to his companion.”

So the Philistines went up and burned her and her father to death.

7And Samson told them, “Because you have done this, I will not rest until I have taken vengeance upon you.”

“God used all this to advance His plan for Israel and redemption. Yet because of Samson’s disobedience, it all happened at great personal cost to Samson. It is fair to suppose that if Samson were obedient, God would have furthered His plan in a way that blessed Samson.” (Guzik)

“We have here the bitter story of retaliation - of trying to avenge wrongs done to us. Retaliation is a never-ending story, and one that never wins in the end. Those who trust in God must be able to say, “Retaliation belongs to God. I’ll let Him settle the score.”

“Much of the war, disaster, deep-seated hatred, and pain in our world come from this instinct to retaliate. But Jesus told us to not retaliate an eye for an eye, but to take control of the situation by giving even more (Matthew 5:38-42). When we do this, we act like God, who did not retaliate against man for his sin and rebellion, but instead gave His only Son to die for man.” (Guzik)

There have been times in my life that I acted like Samson and retaliated against people that had wronged me. But since becoming a born again Christian I haven’t physically retaliated, but mentally thought about it. Jesus has told us that thinking about something sinful is the same as doing it. When I catch myself thinking sinful thoughts I pray for forgiveness and then pray for the bitterness to be removed from my heart. ❤️ 

We need to constantly remind ourselves, Jesus loves them too.

Have you retaliated against someone who wronged you?

Retaliation belongs to God.


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