Sunday, November 27, 2022

Deuteronomy 32:7-9 Days of Old!

 7“Remember the days of old,

Consider the years of many generations.
Ask your father, and he will show you;
Your elders, and they will tell you:
8When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations,
When He separated the sons of Adam,
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the [c]children of Israel.
9For the Lord’s portion 
is His people;
is the place of His inheritance.

Days of Old

When my father passed, a good friend commented “you are now mortal”. Not understanding his comment I asked what he meant, he said the previous generation is gone and you are next.

I believe God give us the life cycle of growing old so we can reflect back on our life (days of old)  and how we lived it.

“Consider the many generations” before us that are no more.

The things I would ask my father, my fathers father and elders if I could have a do over!

Remember, we did this as children in the days of old? Do children do this today?

Leviticus 19:32 (Amp) You shall rise before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall fear your God [with profound reverence]; I am the LORD.

The Lord set our boundaries in writing, all we have to do is study the Bible to understand what our boundaries are!

Yes, “For the Lord’s portion is His people”! Those of us that have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior (born again believers) are adopted children of GOD, we are His (Gods) people!

Ephesians 1:18 (Amp) And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know andcherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people),

I can’t wait for my inheritance!

Are you old enough to reflect back on the days of old?


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