Monday, November 28, 2022

Deuteronomy 32:10-14 Count Your Blessings!


Jacob is the place of His inheritance.

10He found him in a desert land,

in a barren, howling wilderness;

He surrounded him, He instructed him,

He guarded him as the apple of His eye.

11As an eagle stirs up its nest

and hovers over its young,

He spread His wings to catch them

and carried them on His pinions.

12The LORD alone led him,

and no foreign god was with him.

13He made him ride on the heights of the land

and fed him the produce of the field.

He nourished him with honey from the rock

and oil from the flinty crag,

14with curds from the herd and milk from the flock,

with the fat of lambs,

with rams from Bashan, and goats,

with the choicest grains of wheat.

From the juice of the finest grapes

you drank the wine.

“Considering that this song was meant to be a witness against a rebellious Israel, Moses reminded Israel of all God’s goodness to them. This was to both bring a greater conviction of sin, and to remind them of God’s love and grace they could return to.” (Guzik)

How many blessings do you count in the verses?

Yet we are no different than the Israelites, we have the same rebellious heart ❤️ because of sin. We fail to count our blessings and are led down the sinners pathway!

We would all be better off when we are tempted to sin to count and write out our blessings just as Moses did here in this song, then sing our song of blessings to the Lord and ask HIM to help us from the temptations from the devil. 

Then we can rightly say to the devil, flee from me in Jesus’ name I pray!

And we will see the goodness and grace of God because we returned to HIM instead of sinning.


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