Monday, December 6, 2021


  1. The act of disappointing a person’s trust, hopes, or expectations. 
  2. The act of revealing information in violation of confidence. 
  3. Failure to keep or honor a promise, principle.

At some time in each of our lives we’ve experienced it. Maybe we were the one betrayed, maybe we betrayed someone’s trust. It could have been an innocent comment, made with the best of intentions. It could have been 
intentional maliciousness. I’ve been the victim of both. 

There are a lot of examples of betrayal in the Bible. In Genesis 27 Rebekah and Jacob betray Isaac and Esau stealing the blessing intended for Esau. Just 10 chapters later in Genesis 37 Joseph, betrayed by his brothers and sold to Midianite traders for twenty shekels of silver. Chapter 38 of Genesis tells us of how Judah betrayed Tamar and in turn Tamar betrayed Judah. 

But by far, the worst betrayal ever, the one betrayal that cost the most, hurt the most was the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. Jesus knew it was coming and couldn’t stop it, it was the fulfillment of prophecy. I’m sure He loved Judas. Judas wasn’t always bad. He didn’t become a follower of Jesus just to betray Him. Judas had a weak spot. Satan took advantage of that weak spot and exploited Judas. The Bible doesn’t tell us if Judas repented. It doesn’t tell us if Jesus forgave him. Jesus could have, He may have. Can you forgive those that have betrayed you? I have. 

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