Friday, September 10, 2021

Numbers 27:6-11 Allowing Daughters to Inherit

6and the LORD answered him, 7“The daughters of Zelophehad speak correctly. You certainly must give them property as an inheritance among their father’s brothers, and transfer their father’s inheritance to them.

8Furthermore, you shall say to the Israelites, ‘If a man dies and leaves no son, you are to transfer his inheritance to his daughter. 9If he has no daughter, give his inheritance to his brothers. 10If he has no brothers, give his inheritance to his father’s brothers. 11And if his father has no brothers, give his inheritance to the next of kin from his clan, that he may take possession of it. This is to be a statutory ordinance for the Israelites, as the LORD has commanded Moses.’ ”

“Allowing daughters to inherit, where there were no sons in the family, created another problem though. When they married, they would take the family land with them, thus destroying the father’s estate. To deal with this, chapter 36 brings in additional rules governing the marriage of heiresses.” (Wenham)

How many families are destroyed over inheritance?

This can be a touchy subject for some, the Christian method would be equal shares between siblings. Don’t fight, don’t argue, don’t demand and if things get out of hand lift it up to the Lord. Let the Lord handle it even if it means you don’t receive any inheritance.

He is God and He is the Judge.


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