Saturday, September 4, 2021

Numbers 26:51 Abiding With Him

 51These men of Israel numbered 601,730 in all.

“In the first census, Israel counted 603,550 men ready for war; 38 years later, they count 601,730 men - a loss of 1,820 men (.3%).” (Guzik)

“The stagnation of population is reflective of Israel’s spiritual state during these 38 years - we should have expected them to grow, as is normal in the course of generations. Instead, they simply stayed where they were. The 38 years in the wilderness were years of no growth, no advance - just going in circles until the generation of unbelief had died and a generation of faith had arisen, a generation bold enough to take the Promised Land.” (Guzik)

Abiding With Him

“Of these twelve tribes of Israel, five suffered loss, and seven gained men. Half of the tribes had gains or losses 15% or less; but Simeon lost 63% of their population, and Manasseh gained 64%. God was blessing or cursing particular tribes, no doubt related to their abiding with Him.” (Guzik)

Are you abiding with Him?


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