Monday, September 7, 2020

Leviticus 14:33-47 Homes 101!

 33Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 34“When you enter the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your possession, and I put a contamination of mildew into a house in that land, 35the owner of the house shall come and tell the priest, ‘Something like mildew has appeared in my house.’

36The priest must order that the house be cleared before he enters it to examine the mildew, so that nothing in the house will become unclean. After this, the priest shall go in to inspect the house.

37He is to examine the house, and if the mildew on the walls consists of green or red depressions that appear to be beneath the surface of the wall, 38the priest shall go outside the doorway of the house and close it up for seven days.

39On the seventh day the priest is to return and inspect the house. If the mildew has spread on the walls, 40he must order that the contaminated stones be pulled out and thrown into an unclean place outside the city. 41And he shall have the inside of the house scraped completely and the plaster that is scraped off dumped into an unclean place outside the city.

42So different stones must be obtained to replace the contaminated ones, as well as additional mortar to replaster the house.

43If the mildew reappears in the house after the stones have been torn out and the house has been scraped and replastered, 44the priest must come and inspect it.

If the mildew has spread in the house, it is a destructive mildew; the house is unclean. 45It must be torn down with its stones, its timbers, and all its plaster, and taken outside the city to an unclean place. 46Anyone who enters the house during any of the days that it is closed up will be unclean until evening. 47And anyone who sleeps in the house or eats in it must wash his clothes.

Leprosy of a home, mold and mildew is not your friend!

Living in such an environment is detrimental to your health. 

Read verse 34 carefully “I put a contamination of mildew into a house in that land”. 

Was it was to drive out the Canaanites that lived there?

On an episode of Holmes Make it Right they helped a family who’s child was constantly sickened by a mold infestation in the basement. They pretty much gutted the whole house, repaired the foundation, removed the fiberglass insulation in the basement (holds moisture) installed new framing, sprayed it with a special moisture retardant, spray foamed the walls and completely restored the home.

It’s interesting to me how our Father was giving advice on how to care for a home with a mold infestation. He was looking out for the health of His children!

We could call theses verses:

Homes 101 or How the care for a home for beginners!

I rely on Gods word (Bible) to prepare and get me through my day.

Do you?

Blessings, David 

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