Saturday, July 24, 2021

Numbers 22:16-19 The Father’s Will

 16They came to Balaam and said, “This is what Balak son of Zippor says: ‘Please let nothing hinder you from coming to me, 17for I will honor you richly and do whatever you say. So please come and put a curse on this people for me!’ ”

18But Balaam replied to the servants of Balak, “If Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything small or great to go beyond the command of the LORD my God. 19So now, please stay here overnight as the others did, that I may find out what else the LORD has to tell me.”

The Fathers Will

With the promise of great riches the temptation returns stronger than before!

“Please stay here tonight” this was proof Balaam continued to entertain sin, he knows what the Lord’s answer was before!

12: “Do not go with them. You are not to curse this people, for they are blessed.”

That I may find out what else the LORD has to tell me.

“Balaam was like a child who, having once heard the father’s answer, will ask again, hoping the father’s will might change.” (Guzik)

Have you ever been like a child who heard the fathers answer, will ask again, hoping the father’s will might change?

Don’t be like Balaam, accept His answer!


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