Thursday, July 1, 2021

Numbers 19:20-22 Uncleanliness

 20But if a person who is unclean does not purify himself, he will be cut off from the assembly, because he has defiled the sanctuary of the LORD. The water of purification has not been sprinkled on him; he is unclean.
 21This is a permanent statute for the people: The one who sprinkles the water of purification must wash his clothes, and whoever touches the water of purification will be unclean until evening. 22Anything the unclean person touches will become unclean, and anyone who touches it will be unclean until evening.”


“Uncleanness was easily transmitted, but cleanness had to be deliberately sought.” (Guzik)

Because of sin (Adam and Eve) we are born unclean. 

Our uncleanliness has to be cleansed and we have to deliberately seek a cleansing (with all your heart ❤️) through the 🩸of Jesus Christ to be clean.

John 3: 16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

❤️+🩸✝️= eternal life(🕊) but without HIS cleansing =🔥


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