Wednesday, April 5, 2017

1 Timothy 5 The Lord despises gossip!

Honoring Elders
17Elders who lead effectively are worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. 18For the Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,”a and, “The worker is worthy of his wages.”b
19Do not entertain an accusation against an elder, except on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 20But those who persist in sin should be rebuked in front of everyone, so that the others will stand in fear of sin.

There are some elders who teach and others that protect the doctrine of the church. Our church is the latter. The pastor writes his sermons and lessons and submits them to the elders for approval. If they are biblical they are approved.
What is referenced here "worthy of double honor" is pastors that preach and do it well, are worthy of pay. As we just studied about financially supporting widows, this chapter is discussing financial support. So in context, its discussing support of pastors and elders. Some churches believe support positions should be voluntary, in our church they are paid and it's biblical.
Guzik says: For the Scripture says: The principle that those who serve God's people should be paid (when possible, of course) is supported by Scripture: Deuteronomy 25:4, and Luke 10:7 (significantly, Paul quotes Luke and calls it Scripture).

Gossip: the Lord despises it. Why then do Christians entertain it?
Spurgeon advised in Lectures to My Students that when people come to a pastor with gossip, he should say, "Well, all this is very important, and I need to give it my full attention - but my memory isn't so good and I have a lot to think about. Can you write it all down for me?" Spurgeon says this will take care of it, because they won't want to write down their gossip.
But when the elders, pastors or the church is sinning, two or three persons need to come forth to make the sin known to the elders and if it persists, in front of everyone, i.e. the whole church.
In the Middle Ages, the church protected its corrupt bishops against accusation by demanding that 72 witnesses be brought forth to confirm any accusation against a bishop.
In past years the Roman Catholic Church removed sinning priests and sent them to different parishes which only emboldened them in their sexual sin with new unsuspecting parishioners.

Go deeper here:

Blessings, David

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