Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Ruth 2-1 Wrong Choices

 ”There was a relative of Naomi’s husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech. His name was Boaz.“ ‭‭Ruth‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

a. Naomi had a kinsman: Naomi was related to this man Boaz through her deceased husband, Elimelech. We don’t know exactly how he was related, but he was.

b. A man of great wealth: During the time of famine, when Elimelech, Naomi, and their whole family had left the Promised Land and went to Moab, Boaz had stayed behind - and God provided for him. In fact, God made Boaz a man of great wealth.

i. Ten years before, Naomi and her family made a choice, and it was a choice made in a hard time – a time of famine. But they didn’t have to make the wrong choice they did. The people of Bethlehem had not perished from hunger. They were still there. And they were blessed more than Naomi’s family.

ii. Sometimes we justify wrong choices because of difficult circumstances. But God will strengthen us, and bless us, to make the right choice, even in difficult circumstances.

iii. “The exact expression rendered a mighty man of wealth is elsewhere translated ‘a mighty man of valour’ (e.g., Jdg. 11:1). We perhaps get the force of it by thinking of our word ‘knight.’” (Morris)

c. A kinsman: This introduces an important word in the book of Ruth - the ancient Hebrew word goel. To say that Boaz was a goel (a kinsman) was more than saying he was a relative; it was saying that he was a special family representative. He was a chieftain in the family. (Guzik)

Wrong Choices 

We’ve all made them, one way or another but when we do, if we repent and ask for forgiveness, He will be waiting with open arms to welcome us back home like the prodigal son!

But when we have a choice to make, if seek Him FIRST, “God will strengthen us, and bless us, to make the right choice, even in difficult circumstances.”

If you are in a difficult circumstance, lift it up to the Lord in prayer 🙏 and wait on the Lord.


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