Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Joshua 7:4-5 Help of God

 4So about three thousand men went up, but they fled before the men of Ai. 5And the men of Ai struck down about thirty-six of them, chasing them from the gate as far as the quarries and striking them down on the slopes. So the hearts of the people melted and became like water.

“The defeat at Ai showed that what mattered was not the strength of the opponent, but the help of God. Without God’s help, all would be lost.” (Guzik)

Help of God

As I contemplate my years, I look back and recall the times I knew God helped me. One specific time was when I was hunting whitetail deer. I had been praying and thanking the Lord for His blessings with our relocation, house purchase, the beautiful nature and I asked Him a question. Lord what do you think about hunting? I recalled what he told Peter in a dream and pondered my question. Acts 11:5-7

I had just sat down on a hill in thick woods and leaned against a tree. 

I thought to myself I needed to get up and grab some pine needles to rub my clothing to help cover my scent. But then I heard a small voice, “be still”. Then it happened, I heard footsteps with leaves rustling. Just then a six point buck walked up broadside to me 25 yards away. The Lord clearly answered my question. He told me what He thought about hunting! 

That was my God deer ðŸ¦Œ!

With the help of God I filled my freezer!

Can you think back and recall the help of God in your life?

Or can you recall a time without Gods help, all was lost?


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