Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Joshua 4:19-20 Base of Operations!

 19Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth [day] of the first month and encamped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho. 20And those twelve stones which they had taken from the Jordan, Joshua set up in Gilgal.

Gilgal will become their base of operations for the conquest of the entire Promised Land. Therefore, it was appropriate that the first work at Gilgal was to set up a memorial to God’s great works.” (Guzik)

Base of Operations

Our base of operations is our local church where we attend Sunday services in person or online. Then there’s the Sunday evening Life Group where we have fellowship with our church family friends and are currently doing a study In Matthew. Thursday evening is Compassionate Recovery which is another Christ centered group where we study and focus on our bruises, brokenness and bondages commonly referred to as hurts, hang ups and habits.

Then there’s our previous church in another city which we still watch online Wednesday and Saturday evenings.

Without this base of operations in Jesus the world would eventually suck us back into the darkness.

What is your base of operations?

If you don’t have one and are still reading this there is still time to become involved.

Find a Bible teaching church that moves the Holy Spirit inside you and get involved.


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