Thursday, December 5, 2019

Grace Like Rain

Grace Like Rain

Today we had to put our beloved Australian Healer down. It was a hard decision to make but several years ago she was diagnosed with Cushings disease. Two nights ago she started vomiting and all the veterinarian’s we contacted were booked up so this morning we were able to take her in and the doctor put her out of her misery.

We buried her in our backyard.

The backstory:
Grace was a Humane Society dog. She was the puppy nobody wanted. Our ten year old adoptive son picked her out. You see, he was the boy nobody wanted. At seven years old he was dropped off at CPS and his family said, we don’t want him anymore. 
We he locked eyes with her, it was a match from heaven.

Grace was named from the song, Grace like rain by Todd Agnew. 

We will miss her. We will miss her “wiggle butt” when she woke up or welcomed us home. We will miss her tail hitting the furniture as she wiggled her butt.
We will miss her love ❤️ when we were sad.
We will miss her following us around the house.

God blessed us twice, once with Grace and His grace of Salvation.

Why does death have to be so hard?

Please keep us in your prayers.

Blessings, David & Cecilia 

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