Monday, December 2, 2019

Exodus 22:21 Kindness and Compassion!

21You must not exploit or oppress a foreign resident, for you yourselves were foreigners in the land of Egypt.

God commands us to treat a stranger kindly and to have a compassion for others.

But in Genesis 47:5-6 Joseph’s brothers had to ask the pharaoh for permission to settle in a foreign land (Egypt).
Nations have laws and borders but as Christians we must obey the law unless they are an affront to God or illegal or immoral.

Years ago on a Father’s Day I took our son dirt bike riding in southern Arizona and I found a dead illegal alien. I reported it to local law enforcement and his body was returned his home town, Mexico City. But why did he die? He died from thirst and because he was exploited by a smuggler “coyote” for financial gain. The smugglers lie to the people and tell them it’s only a days journey. It’s not, it’s several weeks involving some of the roughest terrain and harshest temperatures. 

Be kind and have compassion towards a stranger just as the Lord has for you.

Blessings, David 

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