Thursday, November 28, 2019

Exodus 22:18 Sorceress and Witch!

18You must not allow a sorceress to live.

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. KJB

“An enchantress, sorceress, whose help was sometimes sought in enticing young maids to folly. The man-witch is also here meant, but the woman-witch mentioned; both because women are more inclinable to that sin; and also because the weaker sex is not to be spared for this fault.” (Trapp)
Sorceress: “verb is to use incantations, magic, sorcery, or the arts of witchcraft. Our English ‘witch’ is alleged to have come from ‘to wit,’ i.e., ‘to know,’ in the adjectival wittigh or wittich, contracted to witch. The Greeks rendered our word by pharmakos (‘poisoners’), since sorcerers dealt in drugs and pharmaceutical potions.” (Kaiser)

In my lifetime, I’ve known a few women that were witches.

“It is clearly against the will of God that in this life men should hold any communication with the spirit world, save that of direct fellowship with Himself, through His Son, by the Holy Spirit.” (Morgan)

If a sorcerer deals in drugs and a person becomes a user and or addicted, have they fallen under a spell (incantation)?

Blessings, David 

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