Friday, November 8, 2019

Exodus 21:5-6 Mark of the Master!

5But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children; I do not want to go free,’ 6then his master is to bring him before the judges.And he shall take him to the door or doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he shall serve his master for life.

“The ‘judges’ changed the slave’s status from temporary to permanent by a ceremony at the doorpost of the master’s house.” (Kaiser)

The bond slave, “I know I have fulfilled my obligations to my master, and I have served what I have owed. Yet I love my master and am so grateful for what he has given that I will gladly obligate myself for life, not out of debt or shame or defeat, but out of love.” (Guzik)

In the past people have sold themselves because of debt, hunger, passage to another country, etc.

When we accept Jesus as our Master we also become a bond slave to Him, serving Him for life.
He marks us spiritually just as this picture in this scripture of piercing an ear with an awl.

Do you have the mark of the Master?

Blessings, David 

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