Friday, August 30, 2019

Exodus 12:40-42 Vigil!

40Now the duration of the Israelites’ stay in Egyptwas 430 years. 41At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the LORD’s divisions went out of the land of Egypt. 42Because the LORD kept a vigil that night to bring them out of the land of Egypt, this same night is to be a vigil to the LORD, to be observed by all the Israelites for the generations to come.

“430 years, to the very day”
“Apparently the Exodus from Egypt began on the same calendar day as the 430th anniversary of Israel’s time in Egypt.” (Guzik)
Some argue that the Israelites didn’t spend 430 years in Egypt. 
The Geneva Study Bible notes this, “From Abraham's departing from Ur in Chaldea to the departing of the children of Israel from Egypt are 430 years.”
But God’s word in the Bible says “to the very day”. I will not attempt to prove His word is incorrect or who’s interpretation is right.
We must remember to never add to His word or take away from it!
Take His word for it!

“the LORD kept a vigil” especially to keep watch or pray.
Because the Lord did it, He wants it to be observed by all the Israelites for the generations to come.

Is it possible the Lord kept a vigil over us at a particularly difficult time in our lives?

Blessings, David 

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