Sunday, March 19, 2017

Do you believe that God loves you?

 How big is your God? For me, it seems at times as though I have created
God in my own image and have forgotten that I was created in His. I cannot
ever remember being truly loved for who I am until I met Jesus. My only
problem is that it is difficult to give that love back because I know who I
am. There are many things that I do that I know will block God's work in my
life. My lack time in my Bible, my poor prayer life and my selfish desires
with time that keep me from disciplining other believers. Some people say
that I am being to hard on myself. I want to hear, "Well done good and
faithful servant". As I live on and give into my flesh of living for this
world and its concerns, someday's I wonder if I will make it at all. I want
to be seen and known as a real believer, one that is genuine and not like
many of the half-hearted followers that show up to church on Sunday to put
in their time and then leave without being changed. I have had to take a
deep look at who my God is and ask that all who read this do the same. Our
God is the God of the Bible, who does miracles, He is the one who shut the
mouths of lions, who brought the Israelite's out of Egypt, who raised the
dead, who has promised to come back and get us. It all comes down to, "Do
YOU believe that God loves you?". If your answer is yes, trust Him and live
like it.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created
the heavens and the earth. 27 So God created man in His own image, in the
image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.


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