Friday, November 4, 2016

Do you have quality, personal, quiet time with Jesus?

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true
[supreme and sovereign] God, and [in the same manner know] Jesus [as the]
Christ whom You have sent. Luke 5:16 But Jesus Himself would often slip
away to the wilderness and pray [in seclusion]. 9:10 When the apostles
returned, they told Him all that they had done. He took them with Him and
He privately withdrew [across the Jordan] to a city called Bethsaida.

Quality, personal, quiet time with Jesus is something that I long for and
find it difficult to achieve sometimes because of the busyness and chaos of
life. Our goals as Christians is to know the one true God and His son whom
He sent. Jesus often withdrew from everyone and everything to pray to the
Father, His Father, our Father. Jesus also spent quiet time with the
twelve, just Him and them. There is a group of men going up to Prescott, to
seek God and hopefully have a mountaintop experience. We will be studying
the life of Joseph, who was a man that lived a life dedicated to God.
Please pray for us as we are there and for our families as we are away. I
also ask that you pray along with me, that all who read these words would
live a life that glorifies God without compromise, and have boldness to
proclaim the gospel without fear, in Jesus name, amen.


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