Friday, May 3, 2024

1 Samuel 4:3-4 Enthrone God in the Life!

 ”And when the people had come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, “Why has the Lord defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord from Shiloh to us, that when it comes among us it may save us from the hand of our enemies.” So the people sent to Shiloh, that they might bring from there the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts, who dwells between the cherubim. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.“ ‭‭I Samuel‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

a. Let us bring the ark of the covenant…it may save us from the hand of our enemies: The elders of Israel, after the battle with the Philistines, decided the next battle could be won if they took the ark of the covenant with their soldiers.

i. The ark of the covenant was the representation of the throne of God in Israel. Kept in the most holy place of the tabernacle, the people never saw it. Only the high priest entered and saw the ark, and only once a year. The elders wanted to take this representation of the throne of God out of the Holy of Holies (it could be moved when the tabernacle was to be moved), cover it, and bring it into battle with them. They hoped it would give confidence that God was really with them.

ii. The ark went into battle before. The ark went in front of the marchers around the city of Jericho (Joshua 6:6-8). Moses told the priests to lead the ark into battle against the Midianites (Numbers 31:6). Later, Saul brought the ark into battle (1 Samuel 14:18), as did David (2 Samuel 11:11).

b. It may save us: The elders rightly sensed they needed God’s help to win the battle. But they were wrong in the way they sought help. Instead of humbly repenting and seeking God, they turned to methods that God never approved. They only cared whether it worked.

i. They believed the presence of the ark would make God work for them. 

“Their idea was that God should be forced to fight for them. If He was not willing to do it for their sake, He would have to do it for His honour’s sake.” (Ellison)

ii. No doubt, it seemed like a brilliant suggestion. They were probably pleased to arrive at such a great solution.

c. It may save us from the hand of our enemies: They regarded the ark as the ultimate “good luck charm” and believed they could not lose with it there. They looked to the ark to save them, not to the LORD.

i. “Instead of attempting to get right with God, these Israelites set about devising superstitious means of securing the victory over their foes. In this respect most of us have imitated them. We think of a thousand inventions; but we neglect the one thing needful…. They forget the main matter, which is to enthrone God in the life, and to seek to do His will by faith in Christ Jesus.” (Spurgeon)

ii. “There are plenty of Christians, like these elders, who, when they find themselves beaten by the world and the devil, puzzle their brains to invent all sorts of reasons for God’s smiting, except the true one, - their own departure from Him.” (Maclaren)

Enthrone God in the Life!

Spurgeon’s commentary above hits the nail on the head! 

“They forget the main matter, which is to enthrone God in the life, and to seek to do His will by faith in Christ Jesus.”

This is how most of us get into trouble, we forget the main matter and devise plans of our own devices, instead of enthroning God in the life and seeking to do His will by faith in Jesus Christ.

What are you enthroning in your life other than God?


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