Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Joshua 22:19 Do Not Rebel Against the Lord!

 19If indeed the land of your inheritance is unclean, then cross over to the land of the LORD’s possession, where the LORD’s tabernacle stands, and take possession of it among us. But do not rebel against the LORD or against us by building for yourselves an altar other than the altar of the LORD our God.

“To Phinehas, anything was better than seeing these tribes drift away in rebellion against God. If there was something unclean in their land, he invited them to come and live with the tribes on the western side of the Jordan.” (Guzik)

“But do not rebel against the LORD”

What is our responsibility if we witness a brother sinning, rebelling against the Lord?

First and foremost lift it up in prayer to the Lord.

I am reminded of this verse:

Matthew 18:15 “Now if your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have gained your brother. NASB

Recently in the news, sixty churches from the United Methodist Church have voted to split from the UMC because of policies concerning homosexuality. This has been brewing for years as a friend was talking about leaving them over these policies. 

The Book of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 has a lot to say about churches.

What will the Lord say about “our” church, “I know your deeds,”……….?


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