Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Joshua 22:16-18 They Thought

 16“This is what the whole congregation of the LORD says: ‘What is this breach of faith you have committed today against the God of Israel by turning away from the LORD and building for yourselves an altar, that you might rebel against the LORD this day?

17Was not the sin of Peor enough for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves to this day? It even brought a plague upon the congregation of the LORD. 18And now, would you turn away from the LORD? If you rebel today against the LORD, tomorrow He will be angry with the whole congregation of Israel.

“Clearly, they thought that the altar at the Jordan represented a rival place of sacrifice and worship, to compete with God’s tabernacle, presently at Shiloh.” (Guzik)

“Phinehas reminds the eastern tribes that Israel has been punished for rebellion against God before, using the rebellion at Peor as an example.

i. At Peor, Israel’s men had sex with Moabite women, and they gave themselves over to the worship of the Moabite gods. In judgment, God sent a plague that killed 24,000 people.

ii. This incident would be especially meaningful to Phinehas because he was the one who stopped the plague by making a dramatic stand for righteousness on an occasion of gross sin.

c. He will be angry with the whole congregation: Phinehas also knew that the sin of these tribes would reflect on the whole nation. He knew that no one really sins all by himself.” (Guzik)

This incident of misunderstanding could have been avoided if Phinehas inquired of the Lord first and foremost! 

“They thought”

One harsh winter day during a snowstorm we went to church and afterwards an older woman expressed her displeasure with the winter jacket I wore to church because she thought it was inappropriate.

Brethren, we need to keep our thoughts to ourselves and stop sitting on His throne in His place when it comes to simple matters.

It’s good practice to pray before you open your mouth.


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