Thursday, May 4, 2023

Joshua 17:13-18 When it’s Time to Clear the Trees!

 13However, when the Israelites grew stronger, they put the Canaanites to forced labor; but they failed to drive them out completely.

14Then the sons of Joseph said to Joshua, “Why have you given us only one portion as an inheritance? We have many people, because the LORD has blessed us abundantly.”

15Joshua answered them, “If you have so many people that the hill country of Ephraim is too small for you, go to the forest and clear for yourself an area in the land of the Perizzites and the Rephaim.”

16“The hill country is not enough for us,” they replied, “and all the Canaanites who live in the valley have iron chariots, both in Beth-shean with its towns and in the Valley of Jezreel.”

17So Joshua said to the house of Joseph—to Ephraim and Manasseh—“You have many people and great strength. You shall not have just one allotment, 18because the hill country will be yours as well. It is a forest; clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours. Although the Canaanites have iron chariots and although they are strong, you can drive them out.”

When it’s time to clear the trees!

“Manasseh and Ephraim were large tribes. Their combined number was greater than any other single tribe. Here, they complain that they have not been allotted adequate land.” 

“Joshua’s reply is both wise and wonderful. He tells them, “if you are a great people, then go and get the land for yourself; fully occupy what the LORD has given you.” These tribes had not completely taken the mountain country in their allotted territory, because it would be hard and dangerous work.”

“How different is their attitude from Caleb’s attitude (Joshua 14:11-12)! They want “easy land” given to them, instead of taking God’s promises and going out and taking what God has given them. The principle applies just as strongly for us today; if we desire more of something, the first thing to do is to be as faithful as we can where we are.” (Guzik)

Isn’t that just like us? We want more without working for it!

“if we desire more of something, the first thing to do is to be as faithful as we can where we are.”

Do you apply that principle to yourself?


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