Friday, December 30, 2022

Joshua 1:1-2 Small Things

 1Now after the death of His servant Moses, the LORD spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying, 2“Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore arise, you and all these people, and cross over the Jordan into the land that I am giving to the children of Israel.

Small Things

“Joshua – who was not a young man at this time – had spent his entire career previously as the assistant of Moses. Joshua found that now it was his time to lead, but only after God had prepared him.” 

“Joshua was prepared by faithful service in small things, in being Moses’ assistant. Redpath tells of a motto over a kitchen sink: “Divine service is conducted here three times daily.” The motto is true, and great men and women are prepared by faithfulness in the small things.” (Guzik)

God uses our faithful service in small things to prepare us for large things according to HIS timing and will.

How long was Joshua assisting Moses in small things? At least forty years!

What is God preparing you for?


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