Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Deuteronomy 15:1-3 Debts Or Pay the Piper!

 1At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2This is the manner of remission: Every creditor shall cancel what he has loaned to his neighbor. He is not to collect anything from his neighbor or brother, because the LORD’s time of release has been proclaimed. 3You may collect something from a foreigner, but you must forgive whatever your brother owes you.


My great grandparents and grandparents paid cash for everything. I don’t recall them ever getting a loan and they didn’t have credit cards. My father had a mortgage and paid it off. But it seems today everyone uses credit for everything!

I use credit to buy items but pay it off when the bill comes.

But what would the banks and mortgage companies be like if they followed this law? 

“At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts.”

All loans and mortgages would be for seven years! 

But we all have a debt we cannot pay! Sin debt! There is only ONE that you can go to, to have this debt paid! Jesus Christ! He took our punishment to pay off our debt.

If you don’t accept His terms you will pay the piper upon your death ☠️!

Heaven or Hell? Your choice!


Pay the piper idiom: Fig. to face the results of one's actions; to receive punishment for something. You can put off paying your debts only so long. Eventually you'll have to pay the piper. You can't get away with that forever. You'll have to pay the piper someday. 

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