Thursday, August 26, 2021

Numbers 26:26-27 Tribe of Zebulun

26These were the descendants of Zebulun by their clans:

The Seredite clan from Sered,

the Elonite clan from Elon,

and the Jahleelite clan from Jahleel.

27These were the clans of Zebulun, and their registration numbered 60,500.

“In the first census, the tribe of Zebulun counted 57,400 men ready for war; 38 years later, they counted 60,500. This was a gain of 3,100 (5%).” (Guzik)

The tribe of Zebulun was blessed with a 5% increase.

Sorry for the missing days this week as we are celebrating our anniversary and there’s no cell service.

The Lord has blessed our time away this week.

Have you counted your blessings?


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