Thursday, May 27, 2021

Numbers 16:1-3 Rebellion

 1Now Korah son of Izhar, the son of Kohath son of Levi, along with some Reubenites—Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth—conducted 2a rebellion against Moses, along with 250 men of Israel renowned as leaders of the congregation and representatives in the assembly. 3They came together against Moses and Aaron and told them, “You have taken too much upon yourselves! For everyone in the entire congregation is holy, and the LORD is in their midst. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?”


This isn’t good! What will the Lord do? Will the rebellion succeed or fail?

Recently at my wife’s work an employee had led a rebellion of sorts. My wife had performed an unfavorable observation on her. The employee was spreading negative gossip and complaining to management, but no one bothered to ask my wife her side or even inform her of the allegations made against her. Then they got a new manager and a new way of seeing things. The manager peeled back the layers of the onion and discovered who was leading the rebellion. So far the employee has been talked to three times for gossiping and driving down morale. The sad part is, management and supervisors fell for it, didn’t follow S.O.P. and my wife was put through Hades for four months!

But the Lord was good because He answered prayer, the rebellion failed and the people involved didn’t repent so He turned their words and actions back around on them!

Have you ever led a rebellion, did it succeed or fail?


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