Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Numbers 14:40-41 The Promise

 40Early the next morning they got up and went up toward the ridge of the hill country. “We have indeed sinned,” they said, “but we will go to the place the LORD has promised.” 

41But Moses said, “Why are you transgressing the commandment of the LORD? This will not succeed! 

The Promise 

After judgement the Israelites admitted their sin but they wanted the promise of the promised land!

The same fate awaits sinners who don’t accept Jesus Christ as their savior! 

When you die it’s too late, the fate of the sinning rich man has been set in stone because God has commanded it! 

You can’t have the promise of eternal life and heaven if you don’t accept the Son!

The Israelites had hard hearts but you need a soft heart to accept the promise from the Son.

What do you think happens to them?


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