Friday, May 15, 2020

Exodus 37:10-16 Wood!

10He also made the table of acacia wood two cubits long, a cubit wide, and a cubit and a half high.11He overlaid it with pure gold and made a gold molding around it. 12And he made a rim around it a handbreadth wideand put a gold molding on the rim.
13He cast four gold rings for the table and fastened them to the four corners at its four legs. 14The rings were placed close to the rim, to serve as holders for the poles used to carry the table. 15He made the poles of acacia wood for carrying the table and overlaid them with gold.
16He also made the utensils for the table out of pure gold: its plates and dishes, as well as its bowls and pitchers for pouring drink offerings.

Why do some translations say acacia and some say shittim wood?

Shittim is a transliteration of the Hebrew word for “acacia trees.” The location was likely named for its great number of acacias. An alternate name for this area is Abel-Shittim, which means “meadow [or stream] of the acacias.” The shortened version is used more frequently in the Bible.”

I could use a pun describing this wood but I won’t and I don’t think if it was a bad type of wood the Lord wouldn’t have specified it’s use in building the tabernacle and the articles contained within. ðŸ˜‡

Speaking of wood, we heat with it and for the last month as weather permits we have been cutting down dead and dying trees, hauling the tree rounds out of the woods with the tractor, splitting them with the log splitter, stacking and filling the woodshed. We try to stay a season ahead so the shed is being filled with cured (seasoned) wood processed last spring and summer.

I would like to know how Bezalel and the others working on the tabernacle cured (seasoned) the green wood that they cut down and used for the construction. Did they build a oven, tent, drying house or stack it outside covered so the green lumber could be cured (seasoned)?
You cannot build a tabernacle or furniture with green lumber because when it drys it will split, crack and shrink.

Blessings, David 

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