Thursday, February 6, 2020

Exodus 28:6-8 Finely Spun Linen

6They are to make the ephod of finely spun linen embroidered with gold, and with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn. 7It shall have two shoulder pieces attached at two of its corners, so it can be fastened. 8And the skillfully woven waistband of the ephod must be of one piece, of the same workmanship—with gold, with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and with finely spun linen.

“Linen was the dress of the noble and the priest in Egypt, chosen both for coolness and cleanliness.” (Cole)

Making finely spun linen and clothing was an art form, a skill not many people possessed. 
Clothing nowadays is made all around the world and is readily available in most stores.

When I was a child my grandmother worked in a clothing store. Many times we would visit her and she wouldn’t let us leave without a set of needed clothing. At Christmas she would give us something needed like a nice sweater a shirt and a pair of slacks.
I remember a story she told me of her childhood growing up on a mountain in Alabama in a large poor family. They had broken into a cabin and found a dresser full of clothing with undergarments they had only dreamed about. She and her sisters stole the clothing. 
Isn’t it interesting she worked in a clothing store?

I have one nice suit that is starting to show its age.
Do you have any fine clothing?

Blessings, David 

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