Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Exodus 28:37-43 Turbans, Garments and Armor!

37Fasten to it a blue cord to mount it on the turban; it shall be on the front of the turban. 38And it will be worn on Aaron’s forehead, so that he may bear the iniquity of the holy things that the sons of Israel consecrate with regard to all their holy gifts. It shall always be on his forehead, so that they may be acceptable before the LORD.
39You are to weave the tunic with fine linen, make the turban of fine linen, and fashion an embroidered sash. 40Make tunics, sashes, and headbands for Aaron’s sons, to give them glory and splendor.
41After you put these garments on your brother Aaron and his sons, anoint them, ordain them, and consecrate them so that they may serve Me as priests.
42Make linen undergarments to cover their bare flesh, extending from waist to thigh. 43Aaron and his sons must wear them whenever they enter the Tent of Meeting or approach the altar to minister in the Holy Place, so that they will not incur guilt and die. This is to be a permanent statute for Aaron and his descendants.”

“The turban (literally something wound around: the Talmud tells us that eight yards of material were used).” (Cole)

The high priest’s garments were more splendor than the regular priests due to his high office. Some say the undergarment requirements were possibly because of pagan rituals at the time that were performed while being naked. The Lord wanted His priests set apart from the world.

There are times I feel inadequate to do these devotionals. I believe it’s Satans way of scheming with my mind and my faith. I make no claim to be a Chuck Swindoll, a David Guzik or a David Jeremiah.
But the claim I do make is that the (devotions) help me stay focused on Jesus and help me put on the full armor of God.

Aron and his sons put on their priestly garments and turbans, I can only put on the full armor of God.
Do you put on the full armor of God?

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Blessings, David

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