Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Exodus 27:1-2 Cost of Sin?

1“You are to build an altar of acacia wood. The altar must be square, five cubits long, five cubits wide, and three cubits high.2Make a horn on each of its four corners, so that the horns are of one piece, and overlay it with bronze.

“This was the only altar of sacrifice in Israel’s sanctuary in early days: blood would be smeared on its ‘horns’ in ceremonial atonement, and on it ‘holocausts’ or ‘whole burnt offerings’ would be laid. Libations were poured at its side, and blood dashed over it.” (Cole)

Cost of sin! This alter was for the slaying of the animal sacrifices and the pouring out and sprinkling of blood.
Cost of sin, Jesus Christ on the cross!

What is the difference between the two? One covers sin and the other removes it.

Do you realize the cost of your sin?

Blessings, David

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