Saturday, January 18, 2020

Exodus 25:23-30 Constant Communion With God!

23You are also to make a table of acacia wood two cubits long, a cubit wide, and a cubit and a half high.24Overlay it with pure gold and make a gold molding around it. 25And make a rim around it a handbreadth wideand put a gold molding on the rim.
26Make four gold rings for the table and fasten them to the four corners at its four legs. 27The rings are to be close to the rim, to serve as holders for the poles used to carry the table. 28Make the poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold, so that the table may be carried with them.
29You are also to make the plates and dishes, as well as the pitchers and bowls for pouring drink offerings. Make them out of pure gold.
30And place the Bread of the Presence on the table before Me at all times.

“We are fortunate in having, on the Arch of Titus, a carved representation of this table (as well as of the golden lampstand). The model pictured is that from Herod’s Temple but, to judge from the description in Exodus, it followed closely the Exodus pattern.” (Cole)

“In the East a table was always the symbol of fellowship. Thus the people were reminded of the possibility created of constant communion with God.” (Morgan)

Arc of Titus Menorah Relief

Are you in constant communion with God?

Blessings, David 

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