Monday, September 2, 2019

Exodus 13:1-3 Remember this day!

1Then the LORD said to Moses, 2“Consecrate to Me every firstborn male. The firstborn from every womb among the Israelites belongs to Me, both of man and beast.”
3So Moses told the people, “Remember this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; for the LORD brought you out of it by the strength of His hand. And nothing leavened shall be eaten.

“Consecrate could either mean ‘sacrifice’ or merely ‘consider as belonging to God’. Instances of both meanings could be found in the Pentateuch.” (Cole)

“Israel had been saved through the destruction of Egypt’s first-born, and now they were required to dedicate their own first-born as a constant memorial of their deliverance.” (Thomas)

Anniversaries, we all have them in one form or another, birthdays, weddings, hiring dates, cancer free date, etc. 
Have you ever forgotten an anniversary? I have and it’s not a good thing. Life gets busy, you worry about tomorrow, you worry about today and you make a list, in order of things that need to be accomplished. But you forget one thing on that list, your anniversary!

But Moses told the people, “Remember this day,”. 
But some have forgotten their past as a people, they have forgotten their history and their faith in the Lord.
You might say, how can I say that? Read your Bible because it states that! 
What happened to the Israelites when they drifted away from the Lord?
He brought judgement upon them as a nation.

Let’s look at our nation, a nation founded under God. 
Why are we having mass shootings? Why was there 9-11?
I believe we have forgotten our history just like the Israelites did in the Old Testament.
We have taken God out of our courts, our schools and our homes.

But there is hope!
Remember what the Lord said to Abraham!
Genesis 12:2I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
so that you will be a blessing.
3I will bless those who bless you
and curse those who curse you;
and all the families of the earth
will be blessed through you.”

I will bless those who bless you! I believe as long as our nation blesses Israel the Lord will continue to bless our nation.
Pray for a revival!

Blessings, David 

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