Saturday, October 30, 2021

Numbers 35:6-8 Influencing People

 6Six of the cities you give the Levites are to be appointed as cities of refuge, to which a manslayer may flee. In addition to these, give the Levites forty-two other cities. 7The total number of cities you give the Levites will be forty-eight, with their corresponding pasturelands. 8The cities that you apportion from the territory of the Israelites should be given to the Levites in proportion to the inheritance of each tribe: more from a larger tribe and less from a smaller one.”

“This shows the wisdom of God in not making a Levitical state that others would have to go to. God intended that these ministers go out among the people, to influence them for the LORD.” (Guzik)

“In the same way, God does not intend that there be a Christian country or state where all the Christians live together in spiritual bliss, and simply say to the world, “come and join us if you want.” Instead, God wants Christians to be sprinkled throughout the whole world, influencing people for Jesus Christ.”(Guzik)

Are you influencing people for Jesus Christ?

CH Spurgeon, the great English preacher of the nineteenth century, was asked once by a young leader, “How can I be used of God to lead people to Christ?” Spurgeon’s answer was brilliant, “Young man, set yourself on fire and people will come and watch you burn!”


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