Sunday, October 31, 2021

“I’m Fine” Proverbs 29:11

“No one really cares how you’re doing”. That was the reply I got from a “friend” after I responded to the question “How are you?” That was over 40 years ago now but I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Now, I know that is not the context of Proverbs 29:11 but that 40 year old conversation came back in all it’s blaze and glory when I read that verse the other day. 

“A fool vents all his feelings. But a wise man holds them back.”

Proverb’s 29:11 is speaking about self control, not letting our emotions control our actions. We’ve all failed at THAT haven’t we? 

Maybe that simple question needs to be rephrased. How are you holding up? How can I pray for you today? What’s been going on in your life? 

So, I ask you with true sincerity and interest, how are you, really?

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