Friday, October 29, 2021

Numbers 35:4-5 Pasturelands

 4The pasturelands around the cities you are to give the Levites will extend a thousand cubits from the wall on every side. 5You are also to measure two thousand cubits outside the city on the east, two thousand on the south, two thousand on the west, and two thousand on the north, with the city in the center. These areas will serve as larger pasturelands for the cities.

Cities were walled for protection and pastures were for livestock and small scale farming. 

1 cubit = 1.47638 feet, 1000 cubits = 1476.38 feet (Levites portion), 2000 cubits = 2952.7559055118 feet. 1 mile = 5280 feet.

The pasture lands sustained the inhabitants of the city. 

Why is it important that we study the Old Testament?

Because it points to the Messiah, Jesus Christ! 

If you read a book would you skip the first half?


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