Friday, February 26, 2021

Numbers 8:8-12 Atonement Was Made

 8Then have them take a young bull with its grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil, and you are to take a second young bull for a sin offering. 9Bring the Levites before the Tent of Meeting and assemble the whole congregation of Israel. 10You are to present the Levites before the LORD and have the Israelites lay their hands upon them. 11Aaron is to present the Levites before the LORD as a wave offering from the sons of Israel, so that they may perform the service of the LORD. 12And the Levites are to lay their hands on the heads of the bulls, and offer to the LORD one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering, to make atonement for the Levites.

Atonement Was Made

“Thus the most precious animal the Hebrew owned, the noblest, the strongest, the image of docility and labor, was to be presented to make atonement. Our Lord Jesus Christ is like the firstling of the bullock, the most precious thing in heaven, strong for service, docile in obedience, one who was willing and able to labor for our sakes, and He was brought as a perfect victim, without spot or blemish, to suffer in our stead. The priest slew the bullock, and its blood was poured forth, for without shedding of blood there is no remission. The vital point of the atonement of Christ lies in His death. However much His life may have contributed to it, and we are not among those who, in the matter of salvation, separate His life from His death by a hard and fast line, yet the great point of the putting away of human guilt was the Lord’s obedience unto death, even the death of the cross. The victim was slain, and so the atonement was made.” (Spurgeon)

“The vital point of the atonement of Christ lies in His death.”

Let that sink in!

You can put away your guilt with the Christ’s death on the cross or you can carry your guilt unto your death and suffer the consequences.


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