Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Numbers 6:22-27 WE PRAY

 22Then the LORD said to Moses, 23“Tell Aaron and his sons: This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:

24‘May the LORD bless you

and keep you;

25may the LORD cause His face to shine upon you

and be gracious to you;

26may the LORD lift up His countenance toward you

and give you peace.’

27So they shall put My name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”


“Free prayer is most useful, and it will ordinarily consort best with the movements of the free Spirit; but in the case of a benediction, it is well that it was dictated to the man of God. The children of Israel might miss blessing through the ignorance, or forgetfulness, or unbelief of Aaron; and therefore it was not left to him; but he had to learn by heart each word and sentence. In this wise, and in no other, was he to bless the people. I like this; for if God himself puts the very words into the mouth of his priest, then they are God’s words.” (Spurgeon)

“Our Father, we are very weak. Worst of all we are very wicked if left to ourselves and we soon fall a prey to the enemy. Therefore, help us. We confess that sometimes in prayer when we are nearest to Thee at that very time some evil thought comes in, some wicked desire. Oh! what poor simpletons we are. Lord, help us. We feel as if we would now come closer to Thee still and hide under the shadow of Thy wings. We wish to be lost in God. We pray that Thou mayest live in us, and not we live, but Christ live in us and show Himself in us and through us.” (Spurgeon)

Spurgeon just prayed for us from his writings!


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