Monday, April 9, 2018

Proverbs 26:21 A Contentious Man!

Proverbs 26:21
Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.

Cecilia is the nursery coordinator at our church for ages, infant, 1 year old, 2 year old and 3 year old. She has to staff the four rooms with 2 people at all times for both services. I come along side her to help. We have 3 computers, one which we primarily use and the two others are for parents to check-in their children. We are there from 8:30 am until noon or later. She works all week long trying to staff the rooms with volunteers. Then on the weekend some of the volunteers call off due to illness, travel or life circumstances.

Yesterday during nursery operations all 3 computers were acting up, one for 5 minutes, another blipped a couple times, and the other constantly. 

One of the 1 year old boys was crying and when I walked up to the room he wanted me to hold him. I walked around with him in my arms comforting him. 

During one service we had a non-custodial adult try to check out an infant. The custodial adult had to be located in the chapel, security was informed and so was the children’s director.

Then while closing down the nursery a parent began asking questions “why” our check-out procedures required us to take the parent check-out tag. He kept asking what if’s. We tried to answer all of his questions but he didn’t like our procedure or responses. So I referred him to the director, but he continued. Just then the director walked in the nursery. I said you need to talk to him and walked away.
When we left church and I sat in the car, it hit me. I was drained, I was spent!

Why was a parent who sat through service so contentious?
I don’t know, I not walking in his shoes. Why was turning in a parent check-out tag such a big deal? They are used for their children’s protection. We offered a work around for him but.....

“So is a contentious man to kindle strife”.
The devil, whispering in my ear wanted me to say, 
“if, IF’s ands and but’s were honey and nuts, we’d have Christmas every day.”
I restrained myself and bit my tongue.

Do you bite your tongue, or are you contentious?

Blessings, David 

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