Thursday, April 19, 2018

Master Healer. Psalm 1:4 NLT

I remember one August while living in Tucson we had gone on vacation during the rainy season. When we came home, our back yard looked like s field of tall grass. Of course it wasn't long before the sun dried it out and it was now dead grass. We had two siberian huskies at the time and the back yard was all theirs. Soon, we noticed the dogs limping and discovered tiny long seeds embedded in their paws. We tried removing them with tweezers but some of the sores became infected and required a trip to the vet for medication. I learned from that experience to get the weeds out of the yard before they went to seed.

I thought about that experience while thinking about this verse:
Psalm 1: 4 NLT 
But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.

In case you don't know what chaff is, here is the definition:
the husk of corn or wheat which was separated from the grain by being thrown into the air, the wind blowing away the chaff, while the grain was saved. 
The carrying away of chaff by the wind is an ordinary scriptural image of the destruction of the wicked and of their powerlessness to resist Gods judgement.

To me, those seeds were like chaff. They were good for nothing, causing pain, infecting the surrounding area. Removing the cause of the pain wasn't enough. To get rid of the infection, you need a master healer.

Jesus IS the Master Healer.

Blessings, Cecilia 

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