Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Love Of Money. Genesis 27:30-38 NLT

1Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

This is one of those most misquoted verses in the Bible. People tend to excerpt it to "money is the root of all kinds of evil". The important words "the love of" are eliminated. 

In society, we need money to survive. It's when money becomes our god, when making it becomes an obsession, when we focus more on money and the things we accumulate then our relationship with God, money becomes a problem. 

Isaac's family was torn apart not just over the blessings of God but over his wealth. Esau cared nothing for the blessing and only wanted the wealth. God saw that and did not honor him because of it. 

Whatever your intentions are, God sees the heart. If you're holding on to an idol, be it money or something else you put before your relationship with Him, ask God to reveal it to you. Then ask God to help you remove that idol from your life. 

Genesis 27:30-38 NLT

30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and almost before Jacob had left his father, Esau returned from his hunt.  31 Esau prepared a delicious meal and brought it to his father. Then he said, “Sit up, my father, and eat my wild game so you can give me your blessing.” 

32 But Isaac asked him, “Who are you?” Esau replied, “It’s your son, your firstborn son, Esau.” 

33 Isaac began to tremble uncontrollably and said, “Then who just served me wild game? I have already eaten it, and I blessed him just before you came. And yes, that blessing must stand!” 

34 When Esau heard his father’s words, he let out a loud and bitter cry. “Oh my father, what about me? Bless me, too!” he begged. 

35 But Isaac said, “Your brother was here, and he tricked me. He has taken away your blessing.” 

36 Esau exclaimed, “No wonder his name is Jacob, for now he has cheated me twice, first he took my rights as the firstborn, and now he has stolen my blessing. Oh, haven’t you saved even one blessing for me?” 

37 Isaac said to Esau, “I have made Jacob your master and have declared that all his brothers will be his servants. I have guaranteed him an abundance of grain and wine—what is left for me to give you, my son?” 

38 Esau pleaded, “But do you have only one blessing? Oh my father, bless me, too!” Then Esau broke down and wept. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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