Thursday, December 14, 2017

Jude 1-Have you witnessed any?

Greetings from Jude
(James 1:1-1)
1Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James,
To those who are called, loved by God the Father, and kept in Jesus Christ:
2Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

The book of Jude is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). The author is Jude the brother of James, both of who are half-brothers of Jesus Christ. Jude wrote it circa 75 A.D. The purpose of this book is to address false teachings and to illustrate a contrast between the error of heresy and the truth of Jesus Christ. Jude consists of only one chapter.

Jude: The name is literally “Judas.” But to avoid connection with Judas Iscariot, the infamous man who betrayed Jesus, most English translators have used the name “Jude.” (Guzik)

It is interesting that Jude didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah until, “after” the resurrection. He grew up with Jesus (God) and heard His teachings but didn’t believe until there was physical proof at the resurrection. 

How many children grow up with pastors as fathers and hear the truth but don’t also believe until something happens that leads to a personal relationship with Jesus?

Didn’t Jude witness the miracles?
Have you witnessed any?



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