Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What is your soul worth?

What is a soul worth? Whatever it takes to save it! I read the verse *Matt
5:42 Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants
to borrow from you.* and think, am I giving enough? I do not have a lot of
money, but I do want to offer my time as much as possible. Recently, I have
not been truly thankful for all that I have. God has given me so much. I am
thankful to Jesus Christ for saving my life more than once. I am thankful
for family, friends, health, ability to work, strength to endure, home,
food, clothing, love from others, the ability to pour out the love of
Christ to others. My heart is sad at the thoughts of others who did not see
today and may not see tomorrow, some because of health reasons and some
because of poor decisions that they made. I miss my dad, James Blaser, who
started smoking when he was young, and even though he stopped 20+ years
before his death, smoking still killed him. I scroll through my contacts on
my phone, my "prayer list", and see the names of others who have died. Some
as strong Christians. Some as broken people. Over the past few years, many
people that I have known have lost their lives for one reason or another.
More "contacts" in my phone that I will not talk to again on earth.
Sometimes to encourage a person, all that person needs to know is that
Jesus loves them and that you love them too! I know it helps me. God bless
you all, my beloved.


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