Monday, November 20, 2017

No Regrets.

Deer hunting season in Michigan is a big deal. The 16 days in November from the 15th through the 30th are sacred to hunters. Schools close for opening day, so do some business, Thanksgiving gets celebrated early or late, it's like a state holiday. 

David and I have spent the last 6 days deer hunting. That's why my devotionals have been sporadic. There is no wifi in the deer blind. Sitting out there for hours on end gives me plenty of time to reflect and pray. God has revealed an important truth to me during this time and I want to share it with you. 

Have no regrets. 

It began last Tuesday, November 14th. I was cooking a few dishes up for the coming week so we would have some dinners ready when we came in from hunting. I was in a really good mood, excited for my second year of hunting with high hopes of a deer this year. 

David had been outside doing final preparation for the start of hunting season. He heard emergency vehicle's approach our street, shut off the sirens and drive past our house (we cannot see the road from our house, our driveway has a 90 degree bend in it).  He heard them stop at our neighbors a half mile down the road. About a half hour later, while he was at the bend in the drive, he saw the emergency vehicles leave with there lights on. He came in and told me about it and called our neighbor Al, (not his real name) to see if everything was okay. He then used my phone to text Al's wife Sue (not her real name) and asked if everything was okay. I'm thinking the whole time "It's probably the older couple across the street from them." 

Three hours later, Sue text me back. She just said "No Al's gone." I called her immediately and asked if she was alone, I know their family all live downstate. She said yes. I told her I was on my way and hung up. I told David Al died and Kelly was alone. I asked him to get my car out for me while I got myself together to go over there. 

I walked in her house, threw my arms around her and asked what happened. I'm thinking heart attack, Al was only 60 years old.  She simply stated "depression". I could not believe what I was hearing. She began by telling me Al had suffered from clinical depression for years and was on medication. I quickly learned that morning Al had shot himself in the head in front of Sue. His final words to her were "Look away" as she tried to get to him to stop him. Over the course of the next couple hours, from things she told me and comments she made it is my belief they had been having a disagreement before it happened. They had been married 25 years and have two grown children. Her son was on the way from Detroit and her daughter from Seattle. I stayed with her until her son arrived. 

So you see, from Al's death, I learned have no regrets. Don't let petty squabbles come between you and the people you love. Don't walk away mad. When someone stops by unexpected, as Al often did, give them time, as David did, even if you're going to be late. We never know what someone is going through, what burdens they carry, what's going on at home. If someone you care about is gone tomorrow, don't let your last interaction with them bring you regret. 

Live life and treat others with no regrets. 

Please pray for Sue (God knows who she really is) she has to live with the image of Al's death for the rest of her life. And pray for David, he lost a friend. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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